Acrylic Displays


P.O.P. Displays

Point of Purchase displays are used throughout the retail industry for everything from sign holders to help customers identify products and pricing, to actual product displays to showcase items or secure products near purchase points for consumer viewing and purchase. We can fabricate and satisfy any need from CAD drawing to finished product in Acrylic designs. Throughout our years of service we have manufactured thousands of displays and will bring our extensive knowledge to bear on your specific need.

Samples of different types of P.O.P. Displays can be seen below:


Candy Dispenser
Candy Sales Box
Makeup Display
Small Candy Dish


Museum Vitrines

We custom manufacture museum covers of all sizes. We can make them from standard acrylic, or if needed from UV blocking acrylic to protect the contents of the case. Thickness of material required will directly relate to the size of the case. Feel free to contact us with specific dimensions and we can help you determine the most appropriate solution.


MBlarge  case


Sign Holders

Custom sign holders are many and can designed to fit almost any situation; from table top single sign holders to wall holders, to multiple pamphlet holders for distribution. Some common samples are shown below.

 Display01  Display02  Display04


Heirloom Protection

For those who deal with crafts and need a custom case to protect their creation, to someone who wishes to protect the heirloom family bible or a treasured keepsake. We can manufacture a case to fit your specific needs. Some general samples are shown below.

 SClarge  Bonnettlarge

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